Thursday, July 27, 2023

Generate leveled Resources with this AI app: Diffit

Have you tried the new AI app called Diffit.

I love it—you can take primary sources that you find on the internet, paste in the URL and the program will generate the source with questions, both multiple choice and short answer. 

You can adjust the length of the source. If it looks too long, just click "shorten."  Once you're satisfied, you can open it in google docs. 

You can also adjust the level of reading. Some primary sources are just too long for our kids, so the "shorten" function really helps.

Another useful function is the ability to generate the source by grade level.

Here is a short clip about the app.

1 comment:

Cami Berkey said...

My biggest struggle with teaching adult learners is spread in reading ability. Trying to do get my student to understand primary documents from our founding fathers, has proven difficult. If this this AI app works it will be a game changer for my students trying to graduate.